There’s a strong case to made for the Walker Center as the most recognizable form in Salt Lake City’s skyline. Its iconic weather tower stands out in form as well as function, undeniably tied to nearly every image of the city since the early 1900’s. The building itself is a quintessential historic building that exemplifies the downtown neighborhood, but after years of the regular wear and tear of heavy use many of its common areas were in need of an updated look.

When presented with the opportunity to breathe new life into the building's lobby, we were acutely aware of the need for awareness of its historical significance while continuing to nurture our proclivity for innovation. Our approach to revitalizing the lobby balanced preserving heritage and embracing modernity, resulting in a completely polished and updated look with a traditional feel.

Respecting its architectural heritage that has withstood the test of time, the lobby's finishes were curated to pay homage to the grandeur of the original space. The original brass fixtures of the elevator spaces were cared for, a focal point of the lobby that we were happy to be able to restore. The walls were adorned with new blocks of white marble, intertwining traditional elements to embody a sense of grandeur and sophistication.

Central to the success of the project is a suite of custom artwork crafted by our graphics team. The bespoke collection includes branded wallpaper that weaves the building's story into its very fabric, small murals at key locations, and a sweeping timeline that narrates the building’s rich history. Together, these art pieces bestow a coherent, branded essence throughout the space.

The space makes use of unused corners to make users feel welcome, imbued with an understanding of the meaning the building holds for Salt Lake residents. Our design team became well acquainted with the patterns users follow within the lobby, approaching the design process with a strong knowledge of the ways in which people were habitually interacting with the building.

The culmination of our process resulted in a final lobby that is the highest quality version of the original space. We preserved wherever possible, but knew that in order to display the true splendor of the building, at times it would be necessary to source top of the line materials and fixtures.

Project No: 2119

Client: WCH Holdings, LLC

Completed: 2023

Budget: $2,000,000

Size: 15 Stories

Architect: mow

Interiors: mow

Manage: Vectra Management

Elec: Rocky Mountain Consultants

Mech: WHW Engineering

Struc: None

Construction: New Concepts Construction

Furniture: mow

Art / Brand: mow

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